车载电池,用于碰撞试验或路试试验过程中,测量仪器设备的供电,如车载数采系统,假人,高速相机,补光灯的供电;包括48V, 36V, 24V, 12V版本。接口可定制,内置UPS功能。抗冲击设计。电池能量标准为120Wh,如特殊要求可定制。Onboard Battery for power supplier during test as UPS function; The output can be 48V, 36V, 24V or 12V. Anti-shock design. Battery capacity 120Wh. Interfce connector can be requirment. The battery can power to DAS system, Dummies, Cameras and LED Light.
车载电池,用于碰撞试验或路试试验过程中,测量仪器设备的供电,如车载数采系统,假人,高速相机,补光灯的供电;包括48V, 36V, 24V, 12V版本。接口可定制,内置UPS功能。抗冲击设计。电池能量标准为120Wh,如特殊要求可定制。Onboard Battery for power supplier during test as UPS function; The output can be 48V, 36V, 24V or 12V. Anti-shock design. Battery capacity 120Wh. Interfce connector can be requirment. The battery can power to DAS system, Dummies, Cameras and LED Light.