static demolition demolition than never good repair, asphalt pump once the mechanical seal leakage will be eager to overhaul. In fact, sometimes closed and not broken, just adjust the operation or the appropriate adjustments can be sealed to eliminate leakage. This can not only avoid wasteful and can verify their ability to judge the fault repair experience accumulation, improve the quality of maintenance.
4, the impeller lock nut tightening the better. Mechanical asphalt pump seal leakage, leakage between the sleeve and the shaft (inter axis leakage) is relatively common
generally, shaft impeller leakage is asked not the lock master lock, the buy in the shaft, such as more leakage factor axis pad failure, migration, shaft ask inside the impurities, shaft and sleeve with a larger form bit error, contact surface damage. Shaft gap between the parts; head thread is too long will cause inter axis leakage. Lock home lock will only lead to excessive axle pad premature failure, instead of moderate locking mother, so that axis asked pad remains elastic one piece, a lock nut in operation will automatically lock the right time, so that the axis is always in good sealing state
将原来导热 油泵三爪式橡胶弹性联轴器改进为皮带软连接联轴器。其优点是改进后的皮带软连接联轴器在装配导热 油泵整机时无需刻意的调整电动机与泵轴的同心度问题 ,皮带软连接可以有效缓解同心度的误差问题,有效缓解因同心度问题给轴承带来的伤害;另外以将泵的热量与电机完全隔开,防止导热 油泵的高温热量传给电动机,以免过热损坏电动机。
2、除用热油对泵进行检验外,将原有对导热油泵打水压的试验工艺改为用打气压的方式检测导热油泵的密封情况。可以解决由于水压试验而忽略或检测不出来的泵体及泵 盖的泄漏。气压试验压力比水压试验压力高。
4、将原有125以上的导热油泵前端轴承由原来的一片改成两片,这样更加保证了导热油泵运转的稳定性, 我公司将根据市场不同客户的需求,不断改进与提高导热油泵的产品工艺,不断致力于高新*技术的追求,不断为社会制造高精产品,为创造*不懈努力!