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发布时间:2021/04/21 16:14:41 发布厂商:江苏舜高智能科技有限公司 >> 进入该公司展台

        多功能电力仪表是一种具有可编程测量、显示、数字通讯和电能脉冲变送输出等功能的多功能电力仪表,能够完成电量测量、电能计算、数据显示、采集及传输,可广泛应用变电站自动化、配电自动化、智能建筑、企业内部电能测量、管理、考核。测量精度为0.5 级,实现LED/LCD 现场显示和远程RS-485 数字接口通讯、采用MODBUS-RTU 通讯协议。



      The improvement of power system automation makes intelligent and high precision become the basic requirements of modern multi-function power meters. Most of the design schemes widely used in traditional power meters have problems such as hardware design difficulties, large data processing by software, and low measurement accuracy.
       A smart meter designed for power monitoring needs of power systems, industrial and mining operations, etc. As an intelligent and digital front-end collection element, it is used in various control systems and energy management.
        Disadvantages of traditional instruments:
In the original power system, a variety of mechanical instruments (such as watt-hour meters, ammeters, voltmeters, etc.) are often installed in high- and low-voltage power distribution cabinets to monitor the power system. It is time to go to all instrument points for manual meter reading to provide a data basis for future data analysis and processing. In this working mode, due to the installation of a large number of complicated instruments, the production operation cost and labor cost are greatly increased, and the work efficiency is low, and it is prone to record errors.
Because not only can be used in one table, but also can realize the functions of programming settings and data collection of the instrument by the host computer or handheld programmer through its communication interface, the use of multi-function network power meters can be greatly reduced Labor costs, reduce operating costs, and can greatly improve work efficiency. At the same time, the meter has perfect communication networking function, which is very suitable for real-time power monitoring system. It can be used locally or form a high-performance telemetry remote control network through the field bus.

[Synchro Intelligent 舜高智能]






1. Strommessung
◆ Phasenstromdruck: Ua, Ub, Uc
◆ Leitungsstromdruck: Uab, Ubc, Ucb
◆ Stromstrom: Ia, Ib, Ic
◆ Wirkleistung: Pa, Pb, Pc, P (aktive Split-Phase-Leistung und Gesamtleistung)
◆ Blindleistung: Qa, Qb, Qc, Q (Blindleistungsleistung und Gesamtleistung)
◆ Scheinleistung: Sa, Sb, Sc, S (Scheinphasenleistung und Gesamtleistung)
◆ Leistungsfaktor: Pfa, Pfb, Pfc, Pf (Phasenteilung und durchschnittlicher Leistungsfaktor)
◆ Frequenzrate: F.
2. Messung der elektrischen Energie
◆ Aktive Energie: + Ep, -Ep (aktive Energie vorwärts und rückwärts)
◆ Blindleistung: + Gl., -Eq (Vorwärts- und Rückwärts-Blindleistung)
3. Messmethode
◆ Wählen Sie 3 Phasen, 3 Drähte, 3 Phasen, 4 Drähte
◆ PT-Transformationsverhältnis: 1 ~ 800,0
◆ CT-Transformationsverhältnis: 1 ~ 800,0
4. Anzeige
◆ 9 LED-Leuchten / grün, 3 Reihen digitaler Röhren, 4 beliebige Zahlen in jeder Reihe
◆ Der Anzeigemodus ist die manuelle Auswahl 5, Kommunikationsschnittstelle
◆ Ein Kommunikationsanschluss: RS485
◆ MODBUS-Kommunikationsprotokoll (RTU-Modus)
◆ Baudrate: 4,8 k / 9,6 k / 19,2 k
◆ Adresse: 1 ~ 254





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